'I used hilarious The Office quotes as openers on Tinder and it proves you really can say anything'

Long gone are the days where two people can meet organically in a cute romantic kind of way.

Tinder seems to be the only way forward from now on, meaning you need to get past the initial terror of actually conversing with strangers online.

A few months ago I took inspiration from my colleague Tom and turned to classic TV one liners to break down the awkward barriers when first speaking to someone on a dating app.

Overall it wasn’t as bad as you’d think, some of the lines worked better as ice breakers, but some were just plain weird.

After testing some hilarious Only Fools and Horses classics, I have now turned to one of Britain's other favourite shows - The Office.

Everyone seems to love The Office quotes so much, so I thought I'd give them a try as ice breakers on Tinder

Despite only running for two seasons 20 years ago, Ricky Gervais’ mockumentary comedy has kept fans hooked long after it finished and inspired a seemingly endless number of workplaces sitcoms.

After selecting some of the most iconic lines from the show, I created a profile and took on the very hard, very serious journalistic research task.

“If you like Top Trumps, you should come to me. I've got about five different sets. Don't try to beat me at Monster Trucks, though, 'cos you won't. My speciality.” - Gareth

Straight in with a strong start thanks to this classic line by Gareth.

I was expecting more confusion from my unsuspecting Tinder match regarding this random message, but no, he seemed to like it.

No explanation needed, no questions, just big praises. I'll take that.


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"But you know that old thing, live fast, die young? Not my way. Live fast, sure, live too bloody fast sometimes, but die young? Die old. That's the way." - David Brent

We can always rely on Ricky Gervais' David Brent to come through with the iconic one liners.

Ricky's portrayal of the ever awkward and uncomfortable Brent has given us countless memes and reaction videos to enjoy even today.

Again, this weird and random line seemed to go straight over this match's head. No issues at all.


"I don't live by "The Rules" you know, and if there's one person who has influenced me in that way of thinking, someone who is a maverick, someone who does 'that' to the system then it's Ian Botham." - David Brent

I must admit I had to google who Ian Botham was for this one (he's a member of the House of Lords), but afterwards I was sure this bizarre comment would evoke more of an interesting reaction.

But sadly no. All that hard work to find these hilarious Office quotes and my matches don't even seem to care.

I guess I shouldn't complain as this was one hell of a quick turn around into a possible date. Men seem to really love David Brent's outlook on life.


"A philosopher once wrote you need three things to have a good life. One, a meaningful relationship, two, a decent job of work, and three, to make a difference. And it was always that third one that stressed me, to make a difference. And I realise that I do. Every day, we all do. It's how we interact, with our fellow man." - David Brent

Thank you Tinder match, that was deep. Ever the genius with his words, David's deeply profound ramblings are not a bad ice breaker after all.


“No I don't talk about my love life for a very good reason, and that reason is I don't have one. Which is very good news for the ladies-I am still available.”- Tim

Again, my comment seems to make no impact. I'm starting to think I really could say anything on the app and people just wouldn't care.

Are we all too used to weird clichés and awkward ice breakers that really anything goes? He didn't even seem to flinch at me completely ignoring his normal question to reply with an outpouring of emotion regarding my love life.


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Overall it seems that no matter what weird lines you say on Tinder, most people really won't care.

Even with the most random lines from one of TV's most awkward characters, anything is enough to start a conversation.

The quotes didn't receive much concern or question from the men on Tinder, in fact they didn't acknowledge their randomness at all. Maybe they were just being polite.

Either way, while the classic hilarious lines are fun to quote and enjoy when watching the show, I don't think I'll be using them to break the ice again anytime soon.
